
New website for Wise Analyzer

Wise newly launched a dedicated website for Wise Analyzer, You can find how-to video instruction on the site, for customer analysis, sales history, G/L Analyses and sales history KPI margin.

Wise Analyzer - How to import Queries, and a free gift!

Wise Analyzer - how to import Queries from another source Even if you don't have the Enterprise version where you can create your own queries to extract data, you can still import queries from other sources, like your NAV partner or from Wi se . Here is a free gift to all our Wise Analyzer users - a Permission Overview report that works with Dynamics NAV 2013 and up and gives you a complete overview of all the permissions for all your NAV users.  Save this file into a folder on your computer and extract it before you continue to read this blog. When you want to import a Query you open "Manage Custom Queries" from the Main menu. Next you click Import Select the Permissions.CQDef file that you saved already. Then you click Save and Close Then the Query should appear under Management in the "Database Views" side bar. If you open Permissions you can see user permissions for all user í Dynamics NAV. If your double click any non-

Build 1114 is now out.

Access Control Changes We have changed this check box here: To this: So now when this switch is set, when a user creates a new OLAP view or a new SQL view via the Query Builder then it will be automatically be hidden from all other users.  The user admin then needs to explicitly give user or groups access to it if needed. Sales History The Shipping Agent Code has been added to this report/analysis Report Designer Bug Fix 2 minor bugs where discovered in the Report Designer and both are now fixed. The first one was that sometimes when you saved a new Report, the link got broken so you could not easily find the report again. The second bug was, when you had a saved report, and then later wanted to add a dynamic parameter to it and bind it to your data for lookup, you couldn't easily do that, but now you can:

Access Control Guide for Wise Analyzer

Wise Analyzer - how to setup Access control The Access control in Wise Analyzer is default not active, hence all reports are open to all users. If you want to set up Access Control you open Application Options and then click Security. Then you get the question if you want to set up Access Control.  If you click Yes you start setting up the Access Control.  Please note the when you click Yes and while you set up the Access Control everyone else is locked out of Wise Analyzer. This is how it looks after you click Yes, you are the only one that has access. If you select Bulk Edit Access List you can grant access to individual Windows Users and/or Security Groups.  Your system administrator will create the groups and add users to them. It is better to use Groups because then you don't have to administer individual user inside the system. After you have granted access to a group or user you can go to the page Grant/Remove Access and control what the User or

Build 1113 was just released with a couple of bug fixes

The CSV export was not working from SSRS reports and when initializing the Access Control with more than one Dynamics NAV companies active in Wise Analyzer the initialization process took away access to all companies, not just the current one. Both are fixed in this build.

Build 1112 was just published - Minor upgrade.

Enhancements to the Inventory - Value analysis We have added the following fields to the Inventory - Value analysis Last Sales Day/Month/Year  Days since last sale (this is always calculated from today's date) Bug-fixes:  Issue 51053 - Average Days To Pay:  If Document Type was blank in the Customer Ledger Entry the payment was not included.  Issue 51054 - All Pivot reports:  When using pre NAV 2013 a Null Reference could be triggered when adding new data fields.

Version 5.1 build 1111 is now out!

There are a few enhancements in this version and one bug-fix: the Inventory-Value report did not work on versions pre NAV 2013, that has been fixed. Add new data field enhancements The "Add New Data Fields" function in all pivot reports/analysis is now aware of Dynamics NAV Options fields and puts in the corresponding text instead of the 0..n values. To try this, just click the Add New Data Fields button: Select a field you know/think is an Option field (most of the Integer fields are, except for Quantity fields): Press Ok and check the results: For our Icelandic customers we added the translation of all field names to Icelandic in this function as well. Specific WiseFish enhancements For our WiseFish customers (from NAV 2013 and up) then we are "injecting" specific WiseFish fields into some of the reports/analysis and more will follow soon (this will not affect non-WiseFish customers) The fields added in the "Sales History&q